Don’t Feel Pressured to DIY Your Way Through Your Home
In 2020, it seems like everyone is tackling home improvement projects on their own and finding roaring success with their budget-saving efforts. In the world of Pinterest, HGTV binges, and Facebook friends who just can’t wait to share their latest #DIY adventure, it’s easy to feel pressured to rise to the occasion in your own home.
If you want to do some home renovation projects on your own because you’re interested in the process and welcome a hearty challenge, there’s nothing wrong with that! In fact, major kudos to you. But if finishing drywall and installing tile and painting perfect edges feels a little overwhelming, that’s okay, too — and rightfully so.
You shouldn’t feel pressured to do everything in your home by yourself. After all, that’s why home professionals are here — to draw upon years of experience and education to keep your house in top shape. Sometimes it really does make sense to leave it to the experts.
Let’s talk about the truth of do-it-yourself projects and consider why hiring a professional might sometimes be the best decision to get your job done right.
Pinterest boards and social media posts often aren’t reality
First things first: Remember that the beautiful, perfect DIY successes you see on Pinterest boards and your other social media pages often aren’t an accurate representation of the process. It’s certainly possible to pull off an amazing home project on your own, but it takes a lot of work.
Before you hunker down and commit to completing a home renovation or update on your own, make sure you’re prepared for the physical, emotional, and monetary costs that can come with your HGTV moment. Plan for delays, keep extra wiggle room in your budget, and don’t be afraid to call for help if you find yourself in over your head.
DIY gone wrong can drastically damage the home you love
Some DIY projects, like tiling a backsplash in your bathroom or repainting a few walls, are pretty safe options. There’s a lot of room for error before things get really bad, and the cost of messing up is relatively low. If you’re new to the do-it-yourself trend, we highly recommend starting with these strictly cosmetic updates. Chances are the worst that’ll happen is that you’ll find yourself unable to stop staring at an edge that’s an 1/8th of an inch off where it should be.
On the other hand, some tasks can be a big risk even for the most ambitious of homeowners. Unless you’re prepared to foot a potentially outrageous bill to make things right again, we suggest staying away from these undertakings.
- Pipes and plumbing: Water damage is expensive, and it can lead to a slew of other problems like persistent mold and health complications. Without training and experience, it’s easy to increase your home’s chances of experiencing a leak.
- Demolition work: You need an expert eye to tell you whether or not a wall is load-bearing — or you might find yourself dealing with structural damage you didn’t bargain for.
- Electrical wiring: It’s all too easy to shock yourself or even start a home fire if you aren’t perfectly careful when dealing with wiring.
- Waterproof tiling: There’s a difference between a simple tile backsplash and the careful process of placing bathroom tile so that water can’t leak out of the shower and into your walls and floor.
Working with an expert is the quickest, safest option
At the end of the day, working with an expert might not be the cheapest option, but it’s almost always the quickest and safest.
Home remodeling and renovation experts have years of experience and education, along with access to professional equipment to streamline the process. What’s more? We have the necessary permits and insurance policies for these specific situations so every project is always in the clear.
Revive Restoration is known as an emergency damage restoration company — but our ability to restore home and business damage sets us up perfectly to be able to perform remodeling tasks, too. If we can tackle your home project when it’s been destroyed in the wake of a disaster, it’s a walk in the park to change it up when everything is still in good shape!
Contact us today if you have questions about starting your own remodeling project. We’re homeowners ourselves — we’re here to guide you through the process, listen to your input, and make sure you have the peace of mind you need.

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